Before I started working here, they were only collecting the common metrics for passenger (queue, processes, and max processes). After being here a little over a month, I realized that we were always logging into the nodes and running watch passenger-status, and watching how much memory certain passenger workers were consuming and how much time each of these processes were taking.
I kept telling my team, there had to be a better way of gathering this information. After a quick glance at passenge-status –help, I hit the gold mine.
Usage: passenger-status [ options] [ Phusion Passenger's PID]
Tool for inspecting Phusion Passenger' s internal status.
--show= pool|requests|backtraces|xml|union_station
Whether to show the pool's contents,
the currently running requests,
the backtraces of all threads or an XML
description of the pool.
-v, --verbose Show verbose information.
Download Script
Testing passenger-status –show xml
If you installed libxml2-utils, the xml will look very nice.. Lets take a quick glance, on what the show xml command will display….
passenger-status --show xml
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "iso8859-1" ?>
<info version = "2" >
Another example of the xml data, but showing you the process data instead…
passenger-status --show xml
<uptime>1m 5s</uptime>
Running the script
As you can see, you can get a wealth of data. Data that will allow you and your team to easily track down what is happening in you rails/sinatra cluster.
This script was written to work with Sensu and it’s graphite handler.
/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/ruby /etc/sensu/plugins/passenger_metrics.rb --scheme rails-01.passenger
rails-01.passenger.max_pool_size 50 1412958773
rails-01.passenger.processes 23 1412958773
rails-01.passenger.top_level_queue 0 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.queue 0 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.processes 23 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.processes_being_spawned 0 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_1.processed 3567 1412958773 7703 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_1.uptime 921 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_1.memory 909664 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_1.cpu_percent 27 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_2.processed 2194 1412958773 11878 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_2.uptime 659 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_2.memory 644108 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_2.cpu_percent 23 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_3.processed 1484 1412958773 16146 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_3.uptime 402 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_3.memory 691392 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_3.cpu_percent 32 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_4.processed 1343 1412958773 16738 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_4.uptime 353 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_4.memory 521676 1412958773
rails-01.passenger._var_www_html_test_api_current.process_4.cpu_percent 32 1412958773
Now you can create dashboards, with enough information, that the developers will no longer need to ask you what is happening with passenger.
Passenger Workers. Passenger Queues. Passenger Workers Memory Used. Passenger Workers Time Spent. Nginx and Passenger Stats.
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